Ahmed Deedat Al-Quran a Miracle of Miracles IPCI
Ahmed Deedat Al-Quran a Miracle of Miracles IPCI
[wonderplugin_pdf src=”https://www.iipccanada.com/ahmed_deedat/The_Miracle_of_Miracles.pdf” width=”68%” height=”520px” style=”border:0;”]
IIPC Canada is now a formal registered non profit charitable organization, which will not only keep the main interest of Muhammad Shaikh alive but also provide all those who stand influenced with the message to use and promote the message by advertising IIPC Canada.
[wonderplugin_pdf src=”https://www.iipccanada.com/ahmed_deedat/The_Miracle_of_Miracles.pdf” width=”68%” height=”520px” style=”border:0;”]